Toronto: First Steps

I’m back at it again!!! I apologize for my lack of blogging in the past few weeks. I had to take a three-week hiatus in order to get everything up and running for #chiaratakestoronto. I am happy to say that I am here, in Toronto, and I am so excited!!!

The first couple of weeks of September were filled with some pretty intense job training; hence, I did not have much time to write and I also had a lot of mixed feelings that I felt were difficult to put into words. I flew out to Toronto this past weekend, and though I have only been here for a few days, so much has happened. It has been an absolute whirlwind and it is probably going to get even more crazy, but I am stoked about it. It has been interesting for me so far to compare Toronto to BC. I feel that it is very different and I am sure I will get to know many of the complexities of this city over the next few months.

This move means a lot to me in a variety of ways. First and foremost, it is actually my first time elsewhere in Canada outside of BC, so that is definitely a big deal! Secondly, it marks a transition to more of a big city lifestyle, which is something I am really excited about but definitely not used to. It is so weird to think about the fact that I have left my old life behind to pursue something so new, exciting, and admittedly, terrifying. This transition has been happening over the past few months, as I am sure you have seen in my blog posts, but it is now happening in real life. I am not just thinking about doing something totally crazy and life-changing, I am actually doing it, which is insane. But, in its own way, this move is completely perfect for me and who I am and who I hope to become. Despite second-guessing myself almost every step of the way, I know that I made the right decision, and I am ready to embrace it with all that I have.

I hope that you all will continue to join me on this adventure as I take on Toronto! There is definitely going to be lots of incredible experiences to come. Perhaps I can inspire you to take your own adventures and chase what makes you feel alive. Stay tuned for more about #chiaratakestoronto 🙂

3 responses to “Toronto: First Steps”

  1. […] situated on a beautiful golf course in one of the areas of Toronto I used to frequent quite a bit when I lived there. It was incredible, very serene and perfect to visit in this lovely fall weather. It was so nice to […]

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